A new art project each week for the year of 2011!

A new art project each week for 2011!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Week 6-7: Beautiful joyous craziness.

This is only the stuff from last week! I'm going to have to blog more often, just to keep up!

I sent off my very first accepted piece to Green Craft magazine on Monday! I think I floated at least an inch off the ground the entire day.

 I looked at an earlier version, and ached for more detail in the journal.  I added the cute little girl and the tags almost as an afterthought, but it just made the whole piece look  much happier and brighter.  The tags are made from recycled cereal boxes, then distressed, and the little girl was printed on recycled paper, so it was still green enough. Sort of.  ;) 

I wasn't sure if it would fit in better with their spring or autumn editions, so I flipped the cover over and....

 ...did a little more.  Again, I just felt like there wasn't enough detail in the journal, so I found this adorable little vintage girl, and made her my dream-gardener. 

We were running out the door to Columbus, and I couldn't change the lenses on my camera, so neither of the pics are as focused as I'd hoped. BUT it felt so wonderfully wonderful to have this finished, sent off, and never to worry about it again.

So I made some crayons. :)

Target had an awesome $2.50 silicone cupcake-mold during Valentine's day.  I should have bought four.  I made a couple of dozen heart-shaped, rainbow crayons from broken ones laying around the house (and a few extra boxes I picked up at Dollar General, once I got excited about it).

The girls had a blast helping me with these. The two-year-old kept saying, "I'm peeling crayons with mommy! Oh, she lets me break crayons!" (yikes!) For the next two days, every time she found a crayon, she would say, "Here, Mommy, put it in the oven!"  As soon as they got "their very own heart," as they called it, they ran around the house acting like I'd given them a gold-plated hummer. 

So simple.  Yet it gave them so much joy.

My goal has been to blog once a week.  However, I'm doing *so much crafting* that I'm losing track of blogging in the process.  That's not a bad thing!  It's just that I want the community and accountability that posting my work brings.  So, I've decided to blog at least twice a week through the rest of this challenge, because otherwise I won't  remember to!

Princess Kate Engle will get a bookmark in the mail next week. :)  

1 comment:

  1. Love those flowers, they are inspiring. Have to try something like that. Nice work.

